MNTS # 46
[Week 41 / Year 2024] 100% Sahara Guitar, Mr. Lee, Landscapes, How to Ruin Conversation, Chore Coats, Heirlooms, Shakespeare, Sutherland, Aeropress, Hats, Camera roll
Mainly Notes To Self - A rundown of stuff worth sharing.
Welcome to number 46.
Let’s ride!
Etran de L’Air
Can’t get enough of these guys at the moment.
Recalling the driven politician and the quiet family man
Mr Lee's favourite question is "So?". If you update him on something, he will invariably reply with "So?". You reply and think you have answered him, but again he asks, "So?". This "so?" question forces you to get to the core of the issue and draw out the implications of each fact. His instinct is to cut through the clutter, drill to the core of the issue, and identify the vital points.
Mr Lee's rich insights on issues come from a capacious and disciplined mind. He listens and reads widely, but he does so like a detective, looking for and linking vital clues while discarding the irrelevant.
Mrs Lee was supportive, without intruding - she was certainly not "just a busybody", and anyone who had the chance to observe them together would know just how close a couple they were, and how much strength her presence gave to her husband
On Landscapes
bringing the heat with this one.By giving these ideas a name — “Sacred Silence,” “Wide Angle Vision,” “Heart Connected” — it solidifies them in your brain. It makes them real. And, as I discovered — or, really uncovered, since I think I knew this intuitively4 all along — that’s what I’ve been doing each week as I write this newsletter. Retelling and reenforcing and realizing stories.
The way we experience the world hasn’t changed in the hundreds of thousands of years we’ve evolved in it — but our connection has. And, how sometimes, we just need a reminder that the connection is still there.
How to Ruin a Great Conversation
Guest Essay by Brian DaskamI have a rather underdeveloped theory that goes like this: Every enjoyable conversation feels a little like a conspiracy. A family telling inside jokes at dinner, office mates gossiping together after work, a couple huddled together in a restaurant booth… Each group is a distinct caucus in which each member is known, and each member belongs. Or, put another way, anyone who is not part of the conversation is an outsider. That feeling of belonging is one of the key pleasures of great conversation
These Chore Coats
Noah Johnson can take a hike. Terrible take.

Olithica Heirlooms
These are bang on.
Shakespeare Bust
My neighbor 3D-printed this Shakespeare bust for me. It’s taking every bit of discipline I have not to run out and buy a printer—so many possibilities! My neighbor, who turns out to be somewhat of an expert on this type of thing, recommends this one.
Rory Sutherland - Are We Now Too Impatient to Be Intelligent
Love me some Rory Sutherland, always a delight.
…going quite a bit faster when you're going slowly is a really big gain, going very fast when you're already going fast is actually the action of a dickhead. Basically, once you hit a comfortable 65 or 70 on the road; okay, don't bother that's enough it's a waste of time because the risk you actually incur on yourself and the risk you effectively impose on other people by going any faster is utterly pointless in term terms of time saved
Premium AeroPress Coffee Maker
Been waiting for a non-plastic version of this to be available, very excited.
The Mettleist sample hats
Need to make a few tweaks before I submit a production run, but getting closer.
A snap from my camera roll
That’s a wrap on 46.
Vividus Invictus!1
Rough Latin translation for Spirited and Resilient
Now I want a 3D printer….
Thanks for the share!