Mainly, Notes To Self - my weekly attempt to compress everything noteworthy I read, watched, listened to, and discovered during the past week.
Pace Layering: How Complex Systems Learn and Keep Learning by Long Now
The job of fashion and art is to be froth—quick, irrelevant, engaging, self-preoccupied, and cruel. Try this! No, no, try this! It is culture cut free to experiment as creatively and irresponsibly as the society can bear.
What would make it harder to say goodbye? by
Kalanithi's Question tells us to find the things in life that are so important, so meaningful, that saying goodbye to them would be really hard. It's about choosing depth and significance, even if they come with pain.
For to withhold is to perish by Ole Peters
it’s not so much about zero-sum giving and receiving but rather about behaving in a way that benefits all in the long run.
Workspaces 358 - Channing Allen
I have a uniquely complex system because I have uniquely complex goals: I'm running a media company while writing a novel while staying in great shape while reading a book a week while managing a healthy social life, and more. And I'm challenging myself to do all of this in a low-stress way. There's a popular phrase that some things are "simple, but not easy." But the life I'm building for myself is the inverse: "easy, but not simple.”
Built to Spill was the opener for the concert my wife and I attended last Sunday night. Their latest album absolutely rips.
Round two of sourdough. It's better but not outstanding. I cut both proof times shorter, and I think I went too short this time and slightly underproofed it. Nailed the scoring and the oven spring this time around. Third times a charm.
Until next week.
Stay spirited, stay resilient.