MNTS # 48
[Week 43 / Year 2024] Colombo, Hail to the Thief, Breadcrumbs, Rodney Mullen, Seeds, Lighting, SABLE,, Camera Roll
Mainly Notes To Self - A rundown of stuff worth sharing.
Gentlemen. Welcome to the 48th edition of MNTS.
Let’s boogie.
Hamlet Hail To The Thief
A frenetic adaptation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet haunted by Radiohead’s Hail to the Thief
Unexpected, but incredible collab. Perhaps this is your sign to take another pass at Hamlet. Comments section going off.
This is part of why I write — the interesting people I have found I did not first meet in person, but found their breadcrumbs online: blogs, projects, videos, stories, photo reels, some of them produced years before I found them. People understand the idea of a famous author’s or director’s body of work, but there is no reason this concept can’t apply to everyone in some small way. I think it does.
Rodney Mullen on Science, Language, Innovation and Intuition
This talk is as wild as his skateboarding. Legend.
For an invention to become an innovation, it has to match the ethos and the usage of the culture adopting it. Big lesson for us.
So the deliberate maintenance of these very subtle skillsets are what are instrumental to setting people apart to do what we do at these levels.
Row 7 Seed Company
Produce optimized for flavor, what a concept.
Today, we are partnering with regional organic growers to bring Row 7 produce to the grocery aisle, ensuring that each vegetable is grown for place and picked (and eaten) at the perfect moment. The end goal? Tastier food, healthier soil, more diverse and nutritious diets for as many people as possible. In other words, a revolution we can all get behind.
The Lindy Guide to Lighting
Perhaps the most impactful and cost effective design decision you can make to improve the feel-good factor in your home is being considerate about lighting choices.
Humans evolved in environments where the primary source of light was the sun, and much of that light was horizontal. During early morning and late afternoon, the sun sits lower in the sky, producing horizontal light that is softer and more scattered. This period coincides with humans' natural peak activity times during our evolutionary past. That’s when humans were most active during our evolutionary past. It's when our bodies were primed for work, hunting, gathering, and movement.
All types of light are useful and pleasing used in the correct context. These are my simple parameters for how I think about lighting. Brighter, bluer, overhead light earlier in the day. Great for staying alert and focused, but can cause some serious dis regulation if used too early or too late in the day. Transitioning to dimmer, warmer, horizontal light as the day progresses aligns with our circadian cycles and helps to facilitate winding down for restful sleep.

New music I’m enjoying.
From my camera roll
That’s a wrap on 48.
Vividus Invictus!1
Rough Latin translation for Spirited and Resilient