MNTS #12
[Week 31/ Year 2023] McCarthy, Ektropius, Murphy, Rosengren, Maggiulli, Hobart, Eliason, Keesling, Gray, Slootman, Volume Profile
Mainly, Notes To Self - my weekly attempt to compress everything noteworthy I read, watched, listened to, and discovered during the past week.
No new posts this week. I spent more time than usual reading and listening to podcasts and just… thinking. This time to think, birthed some new ideas, and clarified some lingering ones. I’m feeling unusually energized and like I’m on the brink of a major breakthrough. I’m unsure what I’m breaking through toward, but it’s palpable. It’s a rather enjoyable state of being for me, and I’m trying to soak it up for as long as it lasts. Knowing full well it’s a fleeting (but hopefully cyclical) liminal space.
Midway through Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy, and it’s far and away the most brutal book I’ve ever read. McCarthy’s prose are unendingly beautiful, but I doubt I would finish this one if I weren’t reading it as part of a group. I’m hopeful the latter half has some way to redeem the former. Sheesh.
A Sermon Concerning Local Maxima by Ektropius - “You will experience increased lateral insight, as dopaminergic inhibition of insight diminishes due to your increasing capacity to turn off task networks, using an ancient technique called “relaxation.” .. lolz
The Solitary Volcano: Four Lessons from the Life of Ezra Pound by Justin Murphy - “Once you have original taste (I), you need to bet on it. You need to take costly action to promote what you think is good.”
The Art of Subtle Influence by Casey Rosengren - useful advice for all relationships. Colleagues, spouses, friends, family, children, etc.
The Greatest Investment Quotes of All Time by Nick Maggiulli - my favorite of the lot.
“We are all at a wonderful ball where the champagne sparkles in every glass and soft laughter falls upon the summer air. We know, by the rules, that at some moment, the Black Horseman will come shattering through the great terrace doors, wreaking vengeance and scattering the survivors.
Those who leave early are saved, but the ball is so splendid no one wants to leave while there is still time, so that everyone keeps asking, ‘What time is it? What time is it?’ But none of the clocks have any hands.”
-Adam Smith (pseudonym for George Goodman), Supermoney
You Hate The Products You’re An Early Adopter Of Because of Invisible Base Rates and Anthropic Bias by Byrne Hobart - “non-elites value proximity to elites almost by definition.”
Your Problems Aren’t Real by Nat Eliason - The aim of life was not to change the world. It was to see it rightly.”
I Tried to Acquire a Small Business. Here’s What I Learned by Adam Keesling - an excellent write-up on the process insights into purchasing a business.
Concepts I’m revisiting
I’ve noticed these concepts popping up lately in my sphere of curiosity, and I suspect they are timely to get reacquainted with.
Nat’s Notes #2 - Your Problems Aren’t Reak (Straw Dogs by John Gray) - I can’t wait to read this. I find the subject matter timely, particularly after reading Nick Land and Emerson.
Knowledge Podcast - Frank Slootman - I’m a big fan of Slootman’s leadership philosophies, and there are a handful of gems in this one. I will type up my notes and publish them this coming week.
New Webull functionality on mobile. Volume Profile indicator. The trading and analysis capabilities available in the palm of your hand 24/7, 365 for FREE, are truly astonishing. Oh, and they offer 5% interest on settled cash. I have zero affiliation. I’m just a big fan of their offerings. What a time to be alive.

Until next week.
Stay spirited, stay resilient.